Chromata Solutions' Services jfalskjflaksjflasjflkasjf
Media Asset Management
Media Asset Management (MAM) systems provide a structured storage solution for media files, from ingestion to distribution, using unique metadata models.
Production Asset Management
Production workflows for digital media are accelerated through Production Asset Management (PAM) systems, allowing multiple users access to content requiring revisions and edits during a production timeline.
Rights Management
Protecting your content and documents in a secure environment, while managing all sharing and collaboration rights.
Creative Operations
Maximizing Control over increasing efficiencies of the creative production process utilizing various methods, tools, and systems.
Content Management
Utilizing adaptable applications for the purpose of creating, editing and storing web content in a simple and manageable approach.
Video Production Workflow
From pre-production through to publishing and delivery of final content, manage all facets of the workflow including scheduling, content creation, and post-production services.
Digital Asset Management
Digital Asset Management (DAM) systems store, organize, and retrieve digital content in a secure, central, and controlled access library of video, images, audio, documents, and more.
Traffic & Scheduling
Scaleable solutions for a Broadcast environment, scheduling for all program and advertisement content for Traffic and Sales teams.